About us

The markets are subject to a steady, significant economic change.
The trend towards unified markets and the consequent stronger globalization and digitalization increases the pressure on companies – clients develop other buying patterns and requirements.

The today’s customer is a mobile client, a “connected customer”, who is informed and also has a corresponding expectation. In this expectation, it is essentially a request: I always want everything immediately and everywhere. That is the principle.

Companies which adapt to this behavior accordingly and provide adquate services, are able to communicate with the client adequately. And those who do not, will have difficulties to keep pace with this change.

In order to keep up with these demands, companies must develop new market strategies – have to adapt.

It goes without saying that your customers will judge you by how you can help them to cope with these new demands. Anyone who just wants to sell products and services and not offer customers anything of corporate or personal value will soon realize they are losing out.






The communication between customer and company is becoming increasingly important. New communication technologies playing an ever greater role – a trend that has also been driven by generational change and increasing digitalization.

So the success of your company depends more and more on the level of communication and services offered.

2-steps-ahead consulting develops in collaboration with you the necessary steps and measures that enable you to meet these new customer requirements.
Based on our know-how of methodological expertise and years of experience in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) we will create services in form of consulting, implementation and coaching which are tailored on your needs.

We not only place great emphasis on the successful implementation of the measures but mainly providing a solution that becomes a resounding success. With our help, your company will realize the set goals more quickly and efficiently, in order to maintain and improve competitiveness in this tougher environment.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.“
Charles Darwin

Pasquale C. Borrelli

Pasquale C. Borrelli

Managing Director

Pasquale C. Borrelli has gained many years of experience in the field of customer relationship management (CRM), having also worked on projects in other European countries. After successfully graduating from university with a degree in industrial engineering, he worked on the development of a new data mining process. It wasn’t long before he successfully managed various data mining projects in the field of telecommunications.

By changing to MicroStrategy in 2000 he was able to further develop his know-how in business analysis. His first assignments were the management of two European CRM projects and he also compiled a comprehensive white paper entitled “Information Mining für CRM basierend auf der MicroStrategy 7 Plattform”, the content of which was the core topic of the MicroStrategy Roadshow of the same title in 2001.

In 2002 he took advantage of the opportunity to join the corporate startup VoiceObjects, which was still in its initial phases. Here his activities covered diverse fields from development through to consulting and project management, giving him the opportunity to gain valuable experience in the key area of linguistic engineering, his last assignment being in charge of the development of a voice portal for Deutsche Telekom.

Being convinced that successful customer relationship management cannot dispense with a modern multi-channel contact center, and with the idea of combining this technology with comprehensive know-how from the field of business analysis in order to realize innovative CRM solutions, he decided to launch the company “2-steps-ahead“.

Stefan Mayer

Stefan Mayer

Managing Director and chief technology officer

Stefan Mayer is a managing director and chief technology officer at 2-steps-ahead, with 15 years of experience architecting and building contact center and speech technology solutions. He started his career in the engineering group at VoiceObjects (later renamed CXP and acquired by IVR provider Voxeo, then contact center vendor Aspect), developing software and building enterprise DTMF and speech-based IVR applications.
He later worked as a freelancer for 2-steps-ahead, working on carrier-grade IVR deployments in cooperation with Aspect and Genesys. In 2018, he joined 2-steps-ahead as a partner, where he is now responsible for front- and back-end architecture and development of custom IVR solutions, and the company’s first point of contact for consulting customers on speech technology applications and systems integration.